Getting all of it. That’s the main reason to upgrade to paid subscriber status. 100% of articles will be delivered to your inbox without a paywall. Every single post. Written, spoken, combination of the two, etc.
With the blog gently cruising towards the three-year mark and the subscriber list slowly climbing towards 500, the need to put more stuff behind a paywall is too hard of an itch not to scratch. After all, one must make some coin putting in the work and composing these articles, so some reward isn’t an overreach. Don’t get me or any other writer wrong: Choosing which articles to make free or paid isn’t always easy.
It’s like choosing which of your kids gets to run out around the neighborhood naked without judgement. Being established and writing on the internet for 12 years makes me think money should roll my way for opinions people seem to read, but it’s a tougher bridge to cross at times and there’s a lot of fish in the sea.
So, if you’re going to upgrade and fork over $5 per month, an amount that is the lowest monthly amount a writer can charge, what are you actually getting?
*Obviously, you’ll never see a paywall blocking a read. 100% access. I write 25-27 articles per month.
*You can comment on posts. Free subscribers do not get to comment. A comment gets a response from me 100% of the time, even if you just say the article stinks.
*Soon, I’ll be starting a weekly chat where paid subscribers can drop in for an hour or so and ask me questions. Direct communication is what I can promise someone giving me monthly cash.
Outside of that, you’d be supporting a local writer doing this for the love of the game on the side of a full time job. What couldn’t translate into a career has remained a fiery and rather naggy (if I don’t write every day, I’m not happy) hobby. Beyond that, my wife would like the fee for all this Coke Zero being consumed to meet some fresh funds.
It’s not like the output will slow down if free subscribers don’t upgrade to paid status, because that’s not how the writer’s brain works. As long as there is joy doing it, the action will be carried out. A few extra shekels would be greatly appreciated. Substack has more than 500,000 paid subscribers, so a bigger piece of the pie will never stop being pursued.
Until the next post, have a good evening.