Why subscribe to the Ramble?
I know a lot about white walls, white chocolate, and gooey butter cake infrastructure. Heck, why do you read anything? Because you trust the voice, need an opinion, or are looking for information. I talk about sports and entertainment, and everything in between. The movie to watch, the TV show to binge, and what in the world are the St. Louis Cardinals doing? I talk about the beer I’m drinking or the show I’m watching, and anything else that floats into my mind. Everywhere else, I have to keep a guard up or refrain from using a well-thought-out F-bomb to punctuate a sentence or drop the needle. Here, the only rule is when I decide to write and when I decide to stop writing.
From my hands to your email!
You won’t have to worry about missing anything, because every time I publish a magician sends my article to your email inbox. Specially wrapped, sent with love, and carrying only one man’s thoughts. It’s almost too easy.
How much is it?
$5 monthly, $46 yearly. Think about it. What you spend on a Starbucks specialty drink goes into my wallet for an entire month’s worth of articles. That’s at least 5-6 movie columns, 5-6 random “5 things I Know” snackables, 10-15 original baseball commentaries, and possibly a few other unpredictable rants. When I set this up, I chose the cheapest pay scale… for now. It’s cheap, so subscribe. Why should you get my takes for free?
What is Substack?
It’s a newsletter with barely any strings. Use it as you shall. Click when you want, read it all on a Saturday. The day of spending 90 minutes on a couch in an awkward position while scanning through the last week of Rambles. Sounds like a blissful weekend to me.
To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.
I’m Dan Buffa and I approve of this message--because I was the one who wrote it.